28 February 2009

Friday olive bread

I have to admit that I love olives. The first time I tasted the real, tasty, big olives, I thought they were coming from heavens. And I'm not talking about those tiny, canned stuff you get in the supermarket, no. Forget about those tasteless products, I don't know who thought they were actually edible, they are much more for decoration.

So the "real" ones can be found in specialty shops, or markets. I buy them on the market each sunday, where I can face the producer and I can choose from like 20-25 different "types". These differ not just in colour and size, but the way they are prepared: some are spicy, some are natural, some with green herbs, others with some lemon stuff... Oh yes, there you can find your variety! As for the price, I think they are inexpensive: I usually buy 100g for about 1€, and that is enough for about 1 week. So the next Sunday I can set out to the market again...

Olive bread
Okay, the olive bread recipe is pretty much the same as the "standard" bread recipe, except that we add the olives (100g for 500g flour), olive oil (I used pumpkin seed oil for this one), some herbes and a bit more salt. All the rest are the same...
The one which I made this week was really delicious, but I'm not totally satisfied yet, as I didn't feel the olives enough... perhaps I missed some salt or some herbs... Anyway, I'll improve the recipe slightly and I'll come back with this topic a bit later.


Anita 5 March 2009 at 19:25  

Oh, this olive bread looks also nice, I should try it out once. Much to my regret my husband doesn't like olives, but they are sooo delicious. :-)
I put a picture on my blog of the machine-made bread, so you can have a look at it. I think we've succeed, haven't we?

suntime 5 March 2009 at 21:02  

Hey, you are right, your bread actually looks good! So it turns out that it's only me who had no luck with the machine... Ummmmm :) Anyway your bread seems soft also, I bet it's tasty.
Good luck on the next bread, and share photos please :) Perhaps you can try with raisins or herbs, if it's okay with both of you...

Anita 6 March 2009 at 09:01  

Thanks. :-)) Hmmm, herbs may go... he is not so creative as far as the bread is concerned as me. Not just making it, but eating it as well. Anyway it's far from me to complain, although sometimes it's really hard form me to cook such meals that fits both of us.

About the blog

Adventures of a young vegetarian guy living in Paris.