15 March 2009

Simple spring noodle soup

Spring is absolutely here, with all the sunshine and happy faces all over... I was so delighted at seeing fresh and lively carrots, roots and those big, green lettuce at the market this morning, I immediately knew I was going to make a tasty noodle soup for lunch.

90-100g noodles (or spaghetti)
100g tofu
1 carrot, 3-4 sticks of celery
1 small leek
half teaspon of Marmite (or yeast extract or yeast seasoning)
1 generous tablespoon of ghee (or use canola oil, if you want a vegan soup)

Fry the sliced tofu on the ghee for about 5-8 minutes. Add the carrot, and fry for 2 more minutes. Carefully pour about 1L water on it. When boiling, add the noodles, the sliced celery, the salt and the Marmite (don't worry, even if you don't like Marmite, you won't feel it on the soup!). When almost ready, add the sliced leek. Serve with fresh parsley.

This is a basic recipe, the principles of the soup are the ghee, Marmite and the finely sliced vegetables. You can add garlic, spinach, even some spices if you like, but don't forget to keep it light as it is supposed to be a simple spring soup.


parvati 15 March 2009 at 17:28  

This is an really appetising light soup!
I must try it out once...i guess, u could make me as an welcoming dish or sg like that ;-)think about it:) i would be so delighted...

suntime 17 March 2009 at 14:47  

I am waiting for the day when I will be able to serve you this dish... I would be more delighted to prepare it for you :)

About the blog

Adventures of a young vegetarian guy living in Paris.