22 April 2009

Early sunshine bread

Phew, the past few weeks were busy. After she arrived, we left for a place called "Belle Ile", an island in the Atlantic near the French coasts. Spending 4 beautiful days was a great relief after the work we got over, and although it wasn't a gastronomical journey (eating galettes and pizzas for days is not so much fun), we had a great time and I enjoyed every single minute of it.


Back to Versailles and the Parisian life, we began by baking some wonderful cakes and making holy dishes that tasted like heaven. Okay, that's just partially true, as we began by refurbishing the place, but after all the food we made together has been more than delicious. It's a shame I haven't made a post since... uh oh, 2nd April?

The other day I baked this bread, and the recipe I invented there turned out to be... more than delicious. So I decided to make a quick post on it.

Otherwise I'm back to blogging again, so I'll come up with new stuff here soon. Stay tuned! :)

Early sunshine bread

Ingredients (for a bigger loaf)
750g semi-whole flour
20g salt
22-25g dried sourdough
30g bran
20g oat flakes
3 tbsp sesame seed
2 tbsp gluten
460ml water
2 tbsp ghee


As usual, begin by mixing the dry ingredients first. Optionally, you can add some other grains, but be careful with the water added: you may need to add some more, but don't pour in too much because that would ruin the dough.
Bake at 175C degrees for about 50-55 minutes (again, it depends on your oven).


... 2 February 2010 at 13:46  

I love these bread recepies, when i like to bake a bread i always come here  it's so much help, even i lived with u...:D

menyesg 16 May 2010 at 21:45  


About the blog

Adventures of a young vegetarian guy living in Paris.